
  • Speaker Box Design Software For Mac
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 11. 06:24
    Speaker Box Design Software For Mac

    In a fit of ignorant bravado, I went out and checked everywhere: yes, I can get hold of quality drivers and crossovers for not that much money. Building cabinets and making them look good will not be a problem for me, as I have some satisfactory experience with carpentry. But I don't want to invest in DIY speakers without precalculations: can anyone suggest any OsX software I could use to calcutale speaker volume and if possible crossover points, given that I have full specs on my driver choices? Thanks one more time, guys. Nothing against a scientific approach, but given your carpentry skills, i thinkk i would mount the drivers on a board which would then mount to a box of adjustable volume-adjustments rough at first, then refined as you gain a feel for the effect of cabinet size on your particular driver choice and arrangement.

    A back that moves in and out and a movable partition inside might be useful. I think i would isolate the midrange from the woofer and surface or top mount the tweeter setup- so you've got a bass box to work with-try back, down and forward firing along with a passive radiator. After all, i assume it's your ears that are to be satisfied in this venture. If you can do it, think about bi-amping as well and keep in mind your listening preferences- biggest problem i've ever had was coming up with something which sounded accurate and present at a low background volume. Good luck and make it fun. Thanks for all the advice - very useful info there. However, I think I will really be lost with an adjustable box due to the fact that I willl try to achieve a pair of very, very bastardized L100s, give or take an inch or two on dimensions, give or take a star or two on driver reviews.

    3d Subwoofer Box Design Software

    Free Speaker Box Design Software For Mac

    Thus I'm somewhat limited in what I can manipulate. Hence the plea for software! Sound is important, but so are looks. I prefer my drivers ogling me from both sides, so everything stays on the baffle. I will definitely keep the woofer and the midrange separate though, thanks for that tip.

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